About the Forecast Products

With the exception of the Fire Weather Forecast, all products available here are automated. Some simply plot raw data from various weather models while others have been extensively manipulated to correct for known biases in the models. It is important to understand strengths and limitations of all forecast products.

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Interpreting Station Models
Notes on specific products
Some definitions

Some Notes on using these (or any) weather products
Notes on specific products

  • Wind direction and speed: There are two parts to the wind symbol; the shaft, which gives the direction, and the barb, which gives the speed. The shaft shows the direction of the wind blowing into the station. In the example above, the wind is blowing from the northeast. This would be called a northeast wind. The speed is given by the number and type of barbs: The barbs are added together to give the total wind speed. In example above, the wind speed is 10 km/h because there is one full barb.

  • Some quick definitions

    Page design last updated on Jan 17, 2012